Our 5 3D Rendering Industry Predictions for 2024 and Beyond

Between an explosion of interest in generative AI, new rendering tools from major companies like Nvidia, and overall market growth, 2023 was a significant year for the 3D rendering space.
2024 promises to be even more impactful for the industry. It's also CGI Backgrounds' 20th anniversary! 
Based on two decades of experience in the industry, we're sharing our five key predictions for the 3-D rendering space in 2024 and beyond.

Real-Time Rendering Takes Off

Previously, rendering a high-resolution scene with an HDRi Map and 3D models could take as long as 3 to 5 minutes.
Creating a render often involved setting up your DCC, starting the rendering process, getting a cup of coffee, and coming back later later to see results! 
With new tools NVIDIA’s Omniverse USD Composer and the real-time rendering capabilities they introduce, the time required to create a stunning scene has been drastically shortened.
Instead of taking minutes, today’s realtime rendering tools can render scenes multiple times per second. This innovation draws on new graphics hardware, as well as tools and techniques from the gaming industry. 
The end result is a much faster rendering workflow, where 3D designers get instantaneous feedback on lighting changes, texture updates, and more. We expect this technology to gain even more prominence in 2024, and to turbocharge designers’ productivity.

Generative AI Impacts the 3D Rendering Space

At the end of 2023, we were thrilled to be among the first companies to launch an AI-powered HDRi Map generator. CGI.B Horizon is currently in private beta, and we expect to continue to expand it in 2024.
In addition to our own tool, we expect to see generative AI continue to expand its impact on the 3D rendering space. Initially, generative AI is likely to be used for tasks like ideation and visual search, as well as creating HDRi Maps for lighting purposes. As the technology and training data advance, however, we expect it to take on a more prominent role in creating high-resolution visuals for 3D renders as well.
With generative AI, the sky is the limit. Designers will be able to create nearly any background they can imagine, and instantly import it into their DCC of choice. The technology may not be fully developed in 2024, but we expect to see massive progress in the space over the next year.

More Studios Embrace Virtual Production

Virtual production exploded in prominence during the pandemic, with high-profile shows like The Mandalorian utilizing the technique. As more studios and production houses recognize the incredible cost and environmental benefits of virtual production , we expect to see a significant increase in movies, TV shows, and commercials produced in virtual studios.
Already, the automotive industry has embraced this technique. The entertainment space will increasingly use it in 2024. We anticipate more productions integrating live talent, props, and the like into virtual environments, using equipment like LED walls, in the year ahead. 
We also expect to see this technique applied to smaller productions and photo shoots for products and other items that are currently often photographed in real-world settings.

3D Rendering Goes Local

In 2023, we saw a massive increase in interest in HDRi Maps and Backplates localized for different regions around the world. 
There was a 400%+ surge in topics like Dubai HDRi Maps or New York City HDRi Maps within our own collection, indicating that designers are increasingly looking for localized content.
Whereas previously, 3D designers might have sought generic backgrounds featuring a desert, road, or other basic geographic feature, today designers are increasingly building different versions of their creative that is localized for various regions and markets around the world.
We expect this trend to continue in 2024, as improved workflows allow more agencies to create multiple, localized versions of their campaigns. 
At CGI.Backgrounds, we’re ready to serve this need with real-world HDRI maps and backplates shot in European, Asian, North American, and Middle Eastern locations. Our content can help you serve all these markets with renderings that are localized to each region’s unique cities, lighting preferences, and more.

Consumers Explore AR and VR

When Google Glass originally launched over a decade ago, it didn’t take off, leading many to write off augmented reality as a fad. 
However, with the launch of new smart glasses from companies including Ray-Ban and Amazon–as well as the integration of artificial intelligence into AR/VR products–interest in augmented and virtual reality is back with a vengeance.
In 2024 and beyond, we expect AR and VR to continue gaining prominence, offering consumers new ways to engage with 3D content. 
As a result, we anticipate a growing need for full 3D scenes with integrated textures and objects, rather than simple HDRi Maps and Backplates. We’re currently working on new technologies to provide these scenes for both traditional 3D rendering workflows and new AR and VR needs.

An Exciting Year Ahead

2023 brought massive changes in the 3D rendering landscape, as well as new and exciting possibilities. We expect this to accelerate and intensify in 2024. 
We’re excited for the year ahead and look forward to keeping you informed about everything happening in the 3D rendering space. 
If you’re not already subscribed, make sure to join our newsletter for insights and announcements throughout the year.
Happy New Year!


  • Randal Cumming

    Cumming has more than two decades of experience capturing, creating, and transforming product offerings and workflows for clients across the globe. As the CEO of CGI Background, Cumming leverages his institutional knowledge and experience to help businesses plan and execute interactive, 3D digital strategies that increase consumer engagement and achieve revenue growth goals.