Case Study: How Kia Built an Interactive Online Experience with HDRi Maps

Brands often use HDRi Maps to create static imagery for an advertising campaign, landing page or vehicle catalog. Sometimes, they even use advanced technologies to create full-motion videos within a virtual environment.
Many brands are now going a step further, though, and using HDRi Maps to create immersive, interactive environments that customers can use to experience products without ever leaving their homes and offices.

Kia’s Interactive Configurator

A great example is this new online configurator from Kia. Kia wanted a way to showcase their rugged Kia Seltos compact SUV, demonstrating its offroad capabilities, luxurious interior, and high-tech features.
To do this, Kia teamed up with Court Avenue to build an online interactive experience showcasing the Kia Seltos.
When they needed a high-quality HDRi Environment in which to showcase the Seltos, the Court Avenue team turned to CGI.Backgrounds. They chose one of our high-resolution RAY.HDR Environments of a rocky wilderness location.
They then used automotive rendering techniques and a digital twin of the Seltos to create a moving, immersive online experience for potential Kia customers.

The End Result

The end result is an online configurator with which customers can interact as they learn about the Seltos. The configurator shows the Seltos in a rugged, offroad environment.
As the customer selects options to learn about the Selto’s off road capabilities, interior, tech features, and more, the digital twin of the Seltos moves dynamically around the virtual environment.
Selecting the interior view, for example, takes the customer inside the vehicle. The RAY.HDR Environment provides convincing window-fill visuals as the customer explores. 
Even as the virtual camera dynamically pans around the vehicle, the visuals always stay accurate and realistic, thanks to the power of our high-resolution RAY.HDR technology.

A Powerful Tool

Kia and Court Avenue’s interactive online experience provides a powerful tool for customers to experience the Seltos at the very beginning of their buying journey.
As they discover the vehicle's features through the interactive configurator, the option to test drive a real Selto is always available. In this way, the virtual interactive experience feeds into Kia’s existing sales processes.
The move towards interactive uses of HDRi Maps is a trend we’ve seen develop in the 3D rendering industry. Unity and Aston Martin have both explored similar online experiences.
Need high-quality HDRi Maps to build your own interactive virtual environments? Take a look at our Plans and Pricing page, or contact us to learn more.


  • Ben Chambers


    Since 2004, Ben Chambers has leveraged his deep experience in the sales, marketing, and leadership space as a Co-Founder and Partner at CGI.Backgrounds. Chambers manages the company's relationships with enterprise clients, as well as partners and contributors.